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Last updated on 1 year ago
The Saw
Club meeting to be held at the race on 12/2 at 1:00. Annual dues of $10 are going to be collected.
If you have any issues for the agenda please contact Gary.
This would be on the 2nd?
The Saw
There's nothing on the agenda yet Jeff. I'm still waiting to hear from the club membership what they want to discuss.
So the board has nothing to offer and members didn't request a meeting?
The Saw
Are you going to participate Ken?
Can't commit yet, pretty sure I'll be there.
I will be there
Jeff, regardless of when a meeting is scheduled, there will be somebody who is unavailable, that's virtually unavoidable.

The real question is, if no one poses a topic, will there still be a meeting?
I ask because the three cars I will be racing are as tuned as they will get. So I only need a few minutes of warm up on the track. If there isn't a meeting I can show up considerably later and use that time in more constructive ways.
The Saw
There will be a review of the last board meeting and then agenda items will be addressed. I currently have a response from one member with 4-5 questions. I’m still awaiting other members to submit their concerns. I want to be able to publish the agenda on Friday so I hope members will forward their concerns to me before then. Submissions to the agenda muet be submitted by 2:00 PM on Friday.
Thanks Gary. I'll get a couple things to you tonight. How would you prefer to receive them?
The Saw
Email or text will be fine.
The Saw
Agenda for tomorrow’s meeting.

Great Lakes Slot Car Club
December 2, 2023 Club Meeting Agenda

Current Board Members are as follow:
Rich D. – President Jon T. – Treasurer and webmaster Larry F. – Class master
Gary K. – Series coordinator and acting secretary Randy P. – Special events coordinator

New Items for Discussion
• Revisiting series due to the lack of subject matter from manufacturers
- Jon is researching new cars available for series.
• Upcoming series sideways GT and viper chassis
- Should we double up schedule or continue through the summer?
- The board recommends doubling up series for near future.
The following agenda items were submitted by Chuck R.:
• Some members prefer having extra lead time to plan for series races... the next series is for Sideways GT cars. What is planned beyond that series?
• There are lots of new cars available. How does a member suggest a new series?
-Jon T. is researching new cars for series use.
• The rules for the various classes were being updated at one point, what is the status of that
• project?
- This subject will be addressed by Larry F.
• Interest in slot car racing and membership in GLSCC appears to be growing. Should there be a driver’s school or a guide for new members to pass on tuning tips and best practices? The intention would be to give new members a better experience. There is a lot of info on the website but you have to really dig to find it.
• The website needs some updates...a great tool but some areas go unused. The Photo gallery was last used 4 years ago. GLSCC has a lot of great pictures and data on Facebook. Can any
of those be migrated to the club website?
• Should there be a ‘For Sale’ tab on the website for members only to place items for sale or trade?
The following agenda items were submitted by Ken I.:
• Can more care be taken to keep series racing affordable, with cars that will have use after the series (at least in some/most cases)?
• Perhaps let/make the board (or one board member) choose new series instead of letting members do as they please.
• Consider at least some annual series.
• Refine the club classes for clarification (especially F1's) and make track owners use the list.
• Come up with a plan to rotate support races off the new list so everything we have gets used and we don't wind up running all the same classes at some owners’ races. Maybe one series race, one track owner’s choice and the remaining classes for the night come off the list. Exceptions could always be made for example, Ninco classic probably not so fun on Jon's track.
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